Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Sorry I've been MIA

I had to return to the hospital because of the blood clot the day after I last updated and then the day I returned home we lost the internet. Dh is trying to see if we can get by without it so, for now, I don't know when I will be back. We have tried going without it before and haven't been able to so I know eventually I will be back.

I'm still slowly recovering from the blood clot. It doesn't take much to exhaust me even though it's been three weeks since I slipped the blood clot. Everyone tells me it will be awhile before I'm back to normal but I still get frustrated. I've been able to cut way back on the pain meds but still need them at least once a day, usually in the evening after being up all day, so I can lay down to sleep.

Baby is nursing better but I still worry that she isn't getting enough because she seems unsatisfied a lot of the time so she gets 1-2 bottles a day. I really need to get her weighed and then maybe I won't worry so much. Hopefully I will be able to eventually get her off bottles completely but for now it helps because I can let someone else feed her so I can rest. I still need all the rest I can get. Most days I need 12-13 hours or I don't do well. The nicest thing is that she sleeps 8-9 hours a night. Now if I could just get my 2yo to sleep that long! LOL

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