Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I know. It's been awhile

Mostly because I just didn't feel a need to say anything. I go through periods where either I feel super chatty or just want to hide away and not talk at all. I think I'm back for now but won't promise anything.

The good thing is that I'm getting things done on my list of things to do. It's not written down anywhere, just in my brain but as I get things done I check them off in my brain. Today I need to get my baby's birth certificate taken care of. Yes, she is almost 5 months old and no, I still haven't gotten it yet! LOL I think part of me feels like it will be reliving the old social security fiasco all over again and have not been ready to deal with it. Today I must, if for no other reason than to have a social security number so we can claim her on our taxes.

Thanksgiving was nice. JZ threw up that morning just before we ate breakfast, de ja vu from last year. Then he was happy and ate breakfast and was fine the rest of the day. Either he ate something bad and got it out of his system or he just doesn't like Thanksgiving! :~ We went to Village Inn that morning, then my inlaws for lunch and my parents for dinner.

My arms are now full of babies. Talk more later.


Kris said...

Glad you are back, I go through periods like that.

Quinn said...

But it is good to see you :)

And I love when my arms are full of babies.

sara said...

I still don't have birth certificates for either of my boys. We did send the stuff in, I just haven't tried to get them.