Thursday, January 24, 2008

Gallbladder problems

Not fun! It's been going on for 3 weeks now. Saturday night I had an episode that was more than I could handle and ended up in the ER. They gave me fentanol, checked to make sure my white count wasn't going up, checked the baby and sent me home. I talked to my Dr on Tuesday and told him I'm having 2-3 attacks a week and he said "We've got to get that thing out of you." Unfortunately he said we can't do it until 16 to 20 weeks, so 5 more weeks. We just have to pray it doesn't go septic before then. I have an appt with a GI Dr on Monday and I'm hoping he will tell me it can come out earlier.

It frustrates me because if I weren't pregnant I would do lots of cleanses and herbs to try and heal it myself but my hands are more tied being pregnant.

I met with an OB yesterday to decide if he will put a stitch into my cervix. I haven't liked the last two Dr's that did it so I decided this time it was going to be on my terms. I really liked him. He listened to my concerns and questions and didn't make me feel like I was a dumb pregnant woman that didn't know what I was talking about. He wants to coordinate the stitch surgery with the gallbladder surgery but likes to have the stitch put in before 14 weeks so hopefully the GI Doc will be willing to do it then too.

I will try and keep you updated.

1 comment:

Kris said...

Good Luck, and take it easy.