Monday, January 12, 2009

I think

just about everyone in this family is sick! I think MA is the only that isn't. I started taking an herbal medicine on Saturday that a friend recommended to me. I thought it was working because Sunday night I was feeling nearly normal but this morning I woke up feeling terrible again. We ran out of the herbs so I need to get some more asap. I'm trying really hard to not go to the dr but when I know I will be feeling much better in a little more than 24 hours, it's really hard. This time I think I will get a big bottle since I've been giving it to everyone except baby.


Unknown said...

Hack, cough, spit, rinse. I hate being sick.

Quinn said...

I am sorry you are all sick. There are is some nasty stuff going around. What herbal stuff are you taking?

Camille said...

It's called Umcka. It's really yummy and I think it really works as long as you keep taking it until the symptoms are all gone. The problem is it cost $15 a bottle and with our whole family taking it it lasts us a little less than two days.

Kris said...

I so hope you all get better fast. If you need anything at all I can be down there fast. Let me know please

sara said...

That stinks! I just want to the health food store to get some stuff and they had prenatal vitamins for $50!!!! And there were like 180 in there but you have to take 2 with every meal! Woah! I hope you're feeling better!!

Tara said...

Hang in there. Everybody gets better eventually. I'm so sorry you're all sick.