Friday, February 6, 2009

I don't really have anything new to say

but I'm delaying my cleaning and laundry and wasting time and it's been awhile since I blogged here anyway LOL

KA is now about 6 1/2 mo old. She has her first two teeth (at least two months later than the rest of my kids), is sitting up and has become a mover. She's not actually crawling but she pushes herself with her toes while on her belly. Kind of a little army crawl. This means nothing is safe anymore and I have to start reminding the kids to keep things off the floor. She thinks food is the bestest thing in all the world and loves to drink out of a cup. She has started this funny little scrunchy face grin like she has to show off her new teeth to all the world.

JZ is using the potty again. He's still not really using it when he really needs to but only because it's a fun thing to do so I don't know if we are done with diapers yet but I can always be hopeful. Some days he only has one accident and others he seems to have way more misses than hits, but thats ok.

I'm feeling much, much better. Some of you know that I was dealing with Post Partum Depression. I finally gave in and got meds from the Dr and within a week I was noticing a big difference. I have energy all day again, I'm playing with my kids again and we are routinely doing school again. A few days ago I briefly, for just a few minutes, was feeling old feelings of being overwhelmed with pressures but I was able to quickly get past it. Before the meds that was happening 2-3 times a week and it would last for several days. Do the math and it means I had good upbeat minutes a few times a week. Now I'm just feeling normal.


Kris said...

I am glad you are feeling better. I need to start coming down again. My kids keep asking. Let me know if Monday is still a good day.

Emily Gray Clawson said...

Hey, you! I'm glad you are feeling better. I really dealt with PPD after this last one, too. I had some birth issues I needed to work through and just a bunch of messed up hormones but things are so much better now. Can you believe that my baby is walking now? Has been for over a month. It seems like yesterday that you were still PG and at my birth. Wow, time flies...

Camille said...

Monday's are just fine. Did I give you my other phone number?