Friday, July 25, 2008

Hum, problems? Might be TMI for some

I'm not sure what to think about this little person! She is sooo sweet! But nursing her has become very, very frustrating. I had to finally break down last night and pump so I could feed her with a bottle. I'll start from the beginning so I can tell you whats happening.

First 24 hours she was a sleepy baby. I think she nursed 2-3 times. It was hard to get her to latch on but is that completely unusual? Not really, especially since she is a preemie, so I didn"t worry. I was super sore all the time but I was sore before she was even born so I was still not too concerned. Sometime during the second 24 hours she started eating more frequently and I could tell she was ravenous and anxious for my milk to increase. I could tell by the night of the second day that it was, in fact, increasing. That was still a frustrating night with her not being satisfied with nursing even though I allowed her to suck as long as she wanted. It took me awhile to get her latched on but once she finally did I could hear swallowing, feel let down and could see milk coming out. Yet, still, she never seemed satisfied. Morning of day 4 I could definitely say my milk had come in but I never did feel the incredibly engorged feeling that I normally feel. My breast size had increased and I was very sore and full but not the hard full I have experienced with every baby in the past. I didn't think much about it except that it was nice that I didn't experience that this time.

Finally, on day 4, after nursing her for 45 min on one side and an hour on the other, I gave her a binkie. I felt like she just needed that extra sucking time and I just don't have the time or energy to allow her 24/7 access to the breast. On day 5 she had a dr's appt. I told him the issues we've been having but agreed she just had a high sucking need. Her poop had progressed from meconium to a greenish/yellowish seedy poop and she'd had at least 3-4 wet diapers the last two days so we figured she was getting enough. I asked him to clip her tongue cause I knew she had a tight frenulum and was pretty sure that would make a huge difference in her latch.

Night of day 5 was a nightmare. It took me 1/2 hour just to get her latched on and then she nursed for at least an hour on one side. I finally decided it was time to switch and then same story. It took at least 1/2 hour to get her latched on then she nursed for an hour. After that I gave her a binkie and she finally, at 3:30 in the morning, fell asleep. She slept until 5:30 then we were up until 7:30 with the same story. Nursing went ok during the day, still having problems with latching but not quite as bad. Unfortunately her stool went back to a dark green color and was not very wet. She peed twice while I was changing her but I don't think she ever had any more in her diapers.

Last night, day 6, was another nightmare. I tried for an hour to get her latched on. Never could do it. She was starved and frustrated and I was exhausted. I finally handed her to dh and went and pumped out what I could. I got out about 1 1/2 oz, she drank it after a bit of convincing her that could get yummy stuff out of this wierd tasting plastic thing and for the first time in a week was actually content and happy when she finished. I have to admit that it was so nice to have her full and it was relatively easy and pain free (physically speaking of course, I bawled the entire time I pumped!) She woke up about 2 hours later, I went out to the couch so dh could sleep (he had to return to work today after taking the week off) and she latched on after just a few minutes. She nursed well and slept another 2 hours. Got up and tried to nurse her and once again, never could get her latched on. I finally gave her to 14yo ds so I could pump.

So here is what I'm wondering. Most people would say I should have never given her a binkie. I have thought that also but thinking back over the history I think she has had issues from day one. I don't think the binkie made any difference. I also think that maybe have her frenulum clipped made things worse instead of better. I think she is not getting enough from me and that my supply is dwindling quickly. So something has to change today or we could be in trouble. The other thing I'm wondering is if she has some sort of oral motor issue. Becky? If she does is there any hope of ever breastfeeding her? Is there anyone who would be willing to diagnose a baby at this age and is there things we can do today from an speech therapy pov? I already realize that a bottle/binkie route could/will make things worse but I don't know that, in the middle of the night, I had any other choice. And what do I do now? My plan is to continue trying to get her latched on but also start pumping so I can both get my supply back to where it should be and get some food into this baby regardless of whether not she is able to latch on. Is there any other suggestions?


Brandi said...

Sweet, Camille! (((((()))))) I've had my share of breastfeeding difficulties too. I've had three of my five need frenotomies because of tongue-ties. That was one of the best things I've done for them, although we still had latch issues for a while but there was significant improvement after the procedure.

I won't judge you for using a pacifier and bottle. You did what you had to do under stressful circumstances. I've done that same thing before, myself. ((((())))))

What I would try:
I would take the pacifier away and start using your index finger upside down. The finger should rest into the roof of her mouth. Her lips should be between the first and second joint of your finger. You'll be able to tell by feel if she's latched well or is sucking wrong. One of your older children can help hold her and let her suck one of their clean fingers if you need a break.

Do you have a finger feeder? That would be the best thing to feed her with. Even a spoon or small cup is better than a bottle right now until she gets sucking at the breast down. Pumping more often may help keep the supply up, but as you know, always try nursing first. The non-engorgement shouldn't be a problem. I've had it both ways, and it wasn't an indication of supply for me.

Relaxing helps immensely when trying to latch her on. She can feel your tension --something I'm sure you know already. Based upon what you've written, you seemed to have the most success with latching her on when you weren't under high stress to get her latched. You'll let down easier if you're relaxed as well.

Some women say that laying down to nurse is hard for them, but I find it's not that difficult. I sometimes find it easier because I can use both hands to position baby and breast to get a good latch. I tend to stay more relaxed when I'm lying down too. The football hold also gives you two hands to position baby with.

Green stool generally means she's getting a lot of foremilk. (sp?) Is she gulping for an hour or just latched on? Are you getting enough to drink and eat?

I wish I lived closer and I'd be right on over to help!


sara said...

Do you have any mothers milk tea? I was nursing 2 kids and my milk was NOT coming in with this last baby! I was kind of freaking out and my baby was so cranky. It was not good times. Heather finally gave me a homeopathic (not sure what it was but you could call and ask her) and BAM my milk was in and there was a ton and we were all finally happy. I would just get in bed, skin to skin, drink a bunch of tea, try the homeopathic and nurse nurse nurse and in between nursing, if you want, try pumping.

Do you need help with anything else?